Initial Launch

Hey guys!

This is my very first devlog, anywhere. So it might not be the best, but I hope you enjoy reading this nonetheless!

The development process started in the first week of December when Jacksepticeye announced the #thankmas charity event. I was bummed out at first as I knew I won't be able to take an active part in it, as I do not have an audience on any social media platform. But then the gears in my head started turning and I thought to myself, "Why not make a game!" Of course, I'm not super good at making games, so I did what any sane person would do - I started developing a genre that I have never experimented with before. A platformer! 

The coding wasn't that hard. I did learn a lot of new stuff from Alvin Roe's platformer series. Once the base game was done, I needed art assets. The background is all included in the Sunny Land asset pack by Ansimuz. But I needed custom enemies, collectables, player, etc. That's where @adventuresbit came in. He is a really talented pixel artist and he made a bunch of amazing sprites that I could use in the game.

After this was a ton of play-testing. I got a few reviews and implemented them in the game to the best of my abilities. And finally, the initial launch of the game was done.

I spent the next day creating the cover image, trailer, banner, etc. for this game. Nothing exciting happened, so I won't bore you with the details.

But that brings us to today. I'm writing this devlog at 04:21 PM IST, 3 hours and 39 minutes before the launch of the game. You'll be able to see this post as soon as the game goes up! I'm so excited for you all to play this game!!! 

Thank you all sincerely

~ IzzyDev


Pixio Perfect V1.0 (Windows) 22 MB
Jan 08, 2021

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